Friday Night Funkin Vs Impostor Among Us

Previous combinations between Friday Night Funkin Games and Among Us Games online on our website had been received extraordinarily well, so we are very excited that right at this moment we can bring you even more of them right now for free, with our team inviting you to try out Friday Night Funkin vs Impostor

Previous combinations between Friday Night Funkin Games and Among Us Games online on our website had been received extraordinarily well, so we are very excited that right at this moment we can bring you even more of them right now for free, with our team inviting you to try out Friday Night Funkin vs Impostor Among Us!

Take out the impostor in a rhythm battle and save the ship!

As Boyfriend, you are now on a ship with impostors and crewmates, and you challenge the impostors in musical battles in order to stop them from sabotaging the ship, so do your best to win this confrontation!

To do so, use the arrow keys, pressing them when the arrows above his head match one another since that is how you hit all the notes of the songs.

Make sure not to tap wrong keys or tap the right ones at bad times, since too many of these mistakes in a row mean you lose and have to start from scratch! Good luck to you!


     Programming by ninjamuffin99
     Art by PhantomArcade 3K and Evilsk8r
     Music by Kawai Sprite
Mod by:

  • Clowfoe (Programmer)
  • SuperInky (Artist)
  • Pietro_Ultra (Background Artist)
  • Adam McHummus (Composer)
  • Postman (Artist)
  • SquidBoi84 (Artist)
  • Fabs_ (Programmer, Artist, British)
  • BlackJoystick (Supervisor)
  • Phoenix (made the secret song)
  • Julien (MenuBG Artist)
  • Original Mod

This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.

How to play?

Use the arrows.

